Have you ever been so close that < blank >?

Have you ever worked really hard on something only to see if fail
at the last minute for reasons beyond your control?

For the last 4 months I have been working on an important project.

It cost me quite a bit of money and time.

The exact project details aren’t important but I want to share with
you something I learned about myself and those around me in the

For months others and myself worked hard. We had weekly
sometimes-daily meetings to help resolve issues and deal with
unexpected problems.

Then at the last moment everything unraveled and we had to put a
stop to the project.

Can you imagine the feeling of disappoints and frustration?

These types of setbacks can really send you for a “loop”.

You really begin to question your abilities and was that effort
really worth it.

After beating myself up for a week and whining like a school child
to anyone that would listen to my tale of woe someone really
important to me made a really important point.

Her comment was this…

“I know you can do this again and finish this time. How? Well you
came SO close.”

This floored me.

What a concept!

If you can get so close only to see it all go to pieces at the last
minute why not *try again* and this time prevent the problem from

If you or someone you care for has recently failed at something
important, remind them *how close they got* and how with a little
effort next time they *can succeed*.

Gail Devers said, “Keep your dreams alive. Understand to achieve
anything requires faith and belief in yourself, vision, hard work,
determination, and dedication. Remember all things are possible for
those who believe.”

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