Divorce Statistics and Poll Results

We ran our own site poll and captured some interesting divorce statistics based on our site visitors. These poll results are useful but certainly informal. They are interesting.

Q) How often do you think about your EX?

Every few hours = 63.2 %
Every few days = 17.2 %
Every few weeks = 5.7 %
Every few months = 6.9 %
Other = 4.6 %
Total Votes = 75

Q) What should the minimum age for marriage be?

16-18 2 (8%)
19-21 0 (0%)
22-25 4 (16%)
26-30 12 (50%)
31-35 6 (25%)
36+ 0 (0%)
Never? 0 (0%)
Total Votes: 24

Marriage and Divorce Survey – Results so far – 41 replies.

Not all questions were mandatory so some answers < 100%

Numbers in “(x)” are votes.

1. How long were you married?

<6 months. (0)
6 months – 11 months 4.9% (2)
1 – 2 years 14.6% (6)
3 – 4 years 22.0% (9)
5 – 6 years 12.2% (5)
7- 8 years 22.0% (9)
9 and more 22.0% (9)
TOTAL 97.6% 41

2. How long did you date before getting married?

< 6 months 9.8% (4)
7 – 11 months 12.2% (5)
1 – 2 years 41.5% (17)
3 – 4 years 22.0% (9)
5 – 6 years 9.8% (4)
7 years and longer 2.4% (1)
TOTAL 97.6% 41

3. Did you live together before getting married?

Yes 73.2% (30)
No 24.4% (10)
TOTAL 97.6% 41

4. If yes, how long did you live together before marriage?

< 6 months 17.1% (7)
7 – 11 months 14.6% (6)
1 – 2 years 31.7% (13)
3 – 4 years 7.3% (3)
5 – 6 years 2.4% (1)
7 years and longer 2.4% (1)
TOTAL 75.6% 41

5. How did you meet your partner (ex)?

through work 26.8% (11)
through faith/community eg. church (0)
through friends 24.4% (10)
matchmaker/internet 2.4% (1)
school/college 17.1% (7)
Other: at a party 2.4% (1)
Other: bar 4.9% (2)
Other: Bar 2.4% (1)
Other: brothers friend 2.4% (1)
Other: club 2.4% (1)
Other: Daily Herald Connections 2.4% (1)
Other: McDonalds drive-thru 2.4% (1)
Other: party 2.4% (1)
Other: paths crossed I was working she was on vacation 2.4% (1)
Other: sister 2.4% (1)
Other: softball tournament 2.4% (1)

6. What attracted you to your partner (ex)?

looks 43.9% (18)
smile 26.8% (11)
personality 65.9% (27)
humor 31.7% (13)
charm 19.5% (8)
Other: he seemed nice 2.4% (1)
Other: intellect 2.4% (1)
Other: It was that “feeling” 2.4% (1)

7. Would you marry again?

Yes 78.0% (32)
No 19.5% (8)
TOTAL 97.6% 41

8. If yes, what would cause you to marry again?

# Response

  • Because despite all the “crap” I went through, I still believe in love.
  • Being in love and knowing I want to spend my life with someone.
  • Children
  • Everything that was missing from my 1st marriage. Intimacy, open communication, fun, and similar interests.
  • Finding a better soul mate.
  • Finding a girl who shares my beliefs in committment and makes me happy more often than she makes me sad.
  • Finding a partner whose company I enjoy, whom I respect, and who wants the same things I life that I do.
  • finding someone that I could love and trust with all my heart and that I was happy with.
  • Finding someone who wants to share/build a life with me. You know, family, growing old together etc.
  • i am not ready to give up on love and marriage just yet.
  • I am not sure if I will marry again, but I didn’t want to rule it out by putting no. It would have to be a pretty miraculous person to get past my distrust and my enjoyment of being single.
  • I deserve a second chance
  • I loved being married, just wish it would have lasted. I hate the single life already, just want to grow old with someone, someone that IS right for me!
  • I loved that married feeling, what I shared with my ex is something I still want, just because she changed her mind doesn’t mean I have. I am however a little nervous of thinking of it just yet, way way way too early to even think about marriage, Still working on “ME”
  • I wanted to be married and enjoy experiencing life with my intimate partner. I also want to build a family of my own.
  • I’d need to be at the right stage in my personal life, and the other person would have to meet some very high standards.
  • I’ve learned a lot about myself and about relationships. I know I’ll have a much clearer idea of myself and what I want and need in a relationship and what to look for in a partner.
  • If I met the right person
  • Love
  • love, honesty, friendship
  • love, respect, companionship
  • Marriage is great but I think I will only get married again if my partner and I decide to have children.
  • Meeting someone that I fall in love with
  • Meeting someone that makes me want to trust again.
  • Meeting the right person.
  • Proper communication skills on both sides.
  • right person
  • The fact that maybe I have learned from this experience.
  • The right person, one who fits in with the lessons I learned about myself and marriage.

9. If no, why not?

# Response

  • After being married that long and thinking everything was great, I would be looking over my shoulder all the time wondering when the rug was going to get pulled out from under me again.
  • At the moment, I am unsure what constitutes a good marriage and don’t want to continue to make the same mistakes. This is marriage number 2 and I can’t go through divorce number 3.
  • He didn’t love me.
  • I have already been married twice, I see no reason to do it again!
  • I’ve been burned too many times. I am tired of being cheated on.
  • Loneliness is better than pain
  • Never want to be in this situation again.
  • There is no point. Things have changed so much that it is just easier to “shack up” and keep your financial matters etc. separate.

If you have an idea for a survey please contact me.

Compiled by Michael

Author of “How To Save Thousands on Your Divorce”

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