Bree And Her Divorce Story – AUDIO INTERVIEW
Bree tell’s her story – AUDIO INTERVIEW
Approx. running time = 41 minutes.
— Michael.
Divorce Victim Mentality – Do Not Allow It To Enter Your Thinking. Feeling or labeling yourself a victim is one of the most disastrous moves as it prevents you from moving forward.
Divorce: You Can’t Always get What You Want but You Get What You Need The Rolling Stones were actually very smart. They were dead-on when they sang that you can’t always get what you want but you get what you need that is if you are paying attention to what is being offered. When we…
The 8 most common divorce causes and marriages ending survey results by percentage.
An interview with Dr. Robert Huizenga – The Infidelity Coach on the subject of How To Deal With A Cheating Husband Or Wife – Review and Transcript.
To understand why the grieving cycle and dealing with divorce hurts so much its important to consider how you arrived at your current situation. I don’t mean by that the fights that ultimately forced you or your partner to make the decision that continuing was too hard. Rather I mean consider the thoughts that went…
Interview with Andrew Van Der Reest On How To Fix A Broken Marriage With Counseling